Perception of research in the sciences

What are the research principles, especially in terms of separating the persona of the researcher and his or her work, in different disciplines? The methodology and how the public accepts the validity of a researcher’s work is clearer within the National Sciences. According to Lisa Keränen, “the terms science and scientist conjure commanding images of purity, precision, and above all, disinterestedness in the outcomes of research” (Keränen, 19). She goes on to refute this view and reveals through case studies how large of a role rhetoric and character play in science, but most readers will relate to the common view that science is objective. Reading a published research paper, the readers assume that the paper went through multiple levels of peer review and that research, especially medical research that deals with life and death, will be based on pure facts rather than any personal interest of the researcher. Throughout this paper, however, there are cases that challenge this illusion of pure science.

Objective science is made even more difficult through the pressure from the scientific community to constantly publish interesting and relevant research, particularly the need to produce successful data. The idea of the research act within Natural Sciences creates an unhealthy view of negative and/or slow results as unacceptable or somehow speaking to the incompetence of the researcher.

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